This website is created to compile all the evidence we have against scxxdles and expose them, and talk about the rave au trend they started and how harmful it actually is.

I will be talking about two main points:

1. Who scxxdles is and what they did
2. The rave au trend scxxdles started and why it's harmful

click the respective button to proceed to whichever one you would like to read.

Trigger warnings apply for mentions of s/lf h/rm, dr/gs, nsfw and ab/se. View at your own risk and stay safe.

Please dm us if you have any proof that you can provide.Do NOT harrass anybody mentioned in this document.

1. Who scxxdles is and what they did

Table of contents
a) Glorification of abuse
b) Encouraging and spreading self harm

a) glorification of abuse

Scxxdles is a 16 year old artist that draws comics revolving around headcanons including sensitive themes such as abuse, self harm, stalking and unhealthy relationships. Judging from the way their comics are drawn, the way everything is captioned, and the way the audience reacts; it's clear that such sensitive topics are being glorified. Any story can have such topics, you are free to create content that has sensitive elements included withnin as long as you know how to handle it properly. The creator has made multiple trigger warnings and announcements saying they do not condone the topics witnin their comics, however in private they disrespectfully threw around the concept abuse, contradicting their public behavior.

outside of all the glorification in their comics and artwork, in these screenshots scxxdles can be seen throwing around the concept of abuse recklessly, as if it wasn't a sensitive topic.

b) encouraging and spreading self harm

Taking their fictional fetishes to the real life, scxxdles actually encouraged somebody's self harm, leaking the pictures and making fun of those in a discord server later on.

in the first ones scxxdles can be seen glorifying self harm of somebody, and in the second one they are leaking the victim's images, also mocking them.

2. The rave au trend scxxdles started and why it's harmful

Table of contents
a) The "rave au" & "irl danganronpa" accounts and why are they harmful
b) What should you do if you run a rave au account

a) The "rave au" & "irl danganronpa" accounts and why are they harmful

along with the interactive story scxxdles drew, they also started roleplay accounts that lined up with the story. after that, more people started creating roleplay accounts with different characters, again lining up with the rave au.

after the creation of these, the amount of similar accounts started to increase rapidly. thousands of people refused to see the problem with this au. The pictures below are only a few examples, more can be found under the hashtags #raveau and #irldanganronpa

These accounts age up canonly underage characters to be able to post about harmful content, such as drugs, alcohol, unhealthy relationships, nsfw etc. Instagram's guidelines forbids this content, so unless we bring up common sense and ethics, the age you portray them as does not matter-- it's still forbidden, and should not be present on this platform. This does not make it okay to post about in other platforms though. most platforms have similar guidelines therefore you'll still get in trouble for it. even if they did not, aging up characters doesn’t take away the fact that canonically they are underage, anyone could look at this art and see them as their actual age. they are and unless addressed otherwise, will be canonically UNDERAGE. People running these and the audience are majorly consisted of minors, which is another issue.
Rave accounts SPECIFICALLY focused on the warriors of hope, and ESPECIALLY kotoka are another low. they all are abuse victims and they went through ACTUAL trauma, some of you are taking the word trauma too lightly. i highly doubt the woh, let alone kotoko, would be able to handle nsfw situations after everything that happened to them. trauma doesn't vanish in few years, sometimes it just never goes away for your ENTIRE LIFE, sometimes it takes years and years, but for the case of woh, i highly doubt their trauma could be cured by aging them up by a few years.

b) What should you do if you run a rave au account

If you are not aware of the fact that what you are doing is wrong, work on that first. As long as you are civil, you may dm us for a debate or questions.
If you are aware however, don't feel guilty. You made a mistake and learned your lesson from there, you should focus on the future. Consider discontinuing your account or altering the concept of it to something other than the rave au. The most popular option among the ex ravedr accounts seems to be the college au.